Wednesday, October 10, 2007

7 1/2 Habits

I'll start with the most difficult first: Habit #4 I'm on the low end of the spectrum educationally compared to a lot of our staff, and I'm a little bit ditzy. So it's difficult to maintain confidence in myself as a learner and to present myself as competent and knowledgeable.

And, I assume like most people, habit 7 1/2 is the easiest. Learning is play for me, and, since most of my education has been, and currently is, self-directed I can control the fun level. Boredom isn't a requirement for learning. For example, playing video games on a regular basis helps me learn technology on the job faster because each game has a different interface I have to learn before I can play. It makes me versatile. I recently read a novel co-written by Bill Bass, the man who started the Body Farm at U.T., and learned a lot about forensic anthropology. Same with the Faye Kellerman's Decker/Lazarus series and Orthodox Jewish life. I value the formal education I have had, but I seem to retain more information when I seek it out myself through leisure activities.

1 comment:

Marian said...

Well, you obviously have the gift of writing. What a great job on all of your articles! Formal education isn't all it's cracked up to be and believe it or not, there are folks out there who don't know how to play!