Monday, December 3, 2007

Thing #21

I love Bob Ross. I don't even paint, but I love him! He's so wacky, and his outlook on art seems so pure compared to the stereotypical blocked, agonized, tortured writer or painter. Art doesn't have to come from pain. It can. But it doesn't have to for it to be real.

Speaking of art from pain, my hubby gets a kick out of James the Nintendo Nerd. JtNN rants and raves as he works his way through difficult levels, critiquing the games as he plays them. His frustration and creative use of profanity is hilarious. But if you're easily offended by language, you might want to give him a miss.

I can see us using online video to do a variety of things. Like offering select storytimes online. That way non-patrons could see the wonderful things that Sandy and Sherry offer for kids here at Smyrna. And children who are sick, and shouldn't come to storytime and expose everyone, can stay home and still enjoy the program.

It might also be fun to try a Reading Rainbow style book presentation for kids, adults, and YA. We could feature staff picks this way as well as invite patrons to participate. It might be a thrill to see them online, and we could showcase some of the good stuff in our collection. It's another way to handsell.

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