Friday, November 30, 2007

Thing #18

Since we started L2.0, nothing has sent me into the throes of technolust faster than Zoho. When I'm at home, on my computer, I have at least five programs open at all times. Minimum. When I'm working on a book, I keep track of notes in multiple word documents and I can never locate the tidbits I need when I need them (and I'm SO not paying upward of a hundred bucks for notetaking/organizational program for writers). There's even a Zoho wiki option so you can have your own private one, or share one. I'm most excited about the Zoho Notebook. I can have separate books for separate projects or subjects and I can see them all at once in the "my books" list. No more little word documents to keep track of. And I can move pages around, shift text from page to page until the notes are in the order I want them. Shoot, I could probably outline novels this way, a page a scene.

I don't know that I'd use Zoho writer for writing the actual manuscripts, though. Although I love the idea of backing up my work online, I don't fully understand the privacy issues involved yet. One of the main concepts of online productivity is document sharing. And I don't know that I'd want to share my crappy rough drafts with people. It doesn't seem like a blog or wiki where everything you post is public. But yet, other than Zoho Wikis, I didn't see sharing options. I'll have to play around with it a little more before I'm confident enough to switch entirely.

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