Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thing #23

Before this Thing I usually just used podcasts related to sites that I was already visiting. Like NPR's podcasts and online archives and Holly Lisle's podcasts on writing. I'd never used a podcast directory before. I found that I enjoyed Podcast Alley the most purely for aesthetic reasons. I got a lot of the same results from the different directory searches.

I added Holly's podcast and one I found called The Kissy Bits: Romance Writing Without Cooties. Figured I could learn something about the industry now that the Anna books are considered paranormal romance.

I was really surprised at the sheer amount of podcasts and the wide range of subjects. For some reason I had it in my head that podcasts were for techy people on obscure subjects or for music aficionados. But there are cooking podcasts, and booky podcasts, and political podcasts. I don't know that I'm ready to create one of my own. Nobody wants to listen to my weird, high, girlie voice! :-) Maybe I could talk Morgan the Telecommunications Superhero into broadcasting for me if I have something to say in that medium.

Oh! I almost forgot! I was searching for short story markets right before I started this Thing and found Escape Pod. They pay $100.00 for SF stories to be narrated and turned into podcasts. They maintain sister sites for Horror and Fantasy as well. They actively look for stories that are quick in pace and aren't overly wordy or description heavy so that they'll sound good in audio format, which is the kind of spec fic I like to read in print anyway. Anyone who enjoys audio books and speculative fiction should try 'em out!

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